Dallas Dental Implants, Dallas Gingivitis, Dallas Perio

Our clinic performs a wide variety of services to help you get the smile you deserve. By leveraging today's advanced techniques and technology, Dallas periodontist Dr. Craig Goodman can restore your beautiful smile to help you maintain your youthful appearance. Whether you need to get a dental implant, have gingivitis, or need a complete smile makeover, we can offer a treatment plan that's right for you. Read below to learn more about some of the procedures we offer.
Periodontal Procedures (Non-Surgical)
Periodontal Exam & X-rays
In order for your periodontist to determine a baseline on the health of your gums and teeth, we will be doing a PSR, or Periodontal Screening and Recording. This includes exposing a set of x-rays and doing a full periodontal probing. There are...
Periodontal Cleanings
Periodontal debridement, or cleanings, is the first line of defense in the treatment of the periodontal diseases: gingivitis and periodontitis. Like other diseases, periodontal diseases require treatment to reverse or maintain the disease from...
Antibiotic Therapy
Some localized topical antibiotics can enhance your periodontal treatment.  In certain isolated circumstances, placement of antibiotic medicine can also reduce infection.  This antibiotic therapy is usually done in conjunction with...
Root Planing & Scaling Therapy
In periodontal disease, bacteria causes damage to the gums and teeth, making the "pockets” around the teeth deeper. Once the pockets get to a certain depth, even with diligent home care by the patient, it is difficult for a toothbrush...
Minor Orthodontic Treatment
Society has been fixated on attaining an attractive smile, as proven by models on magazine covers and movie and television stars having beautiful white teeth. A gorgeous smile means more than white teeth; it means healthy teeth....
Teeth Whitening
Our teeth can discolor through the years as our enamel wears down. The wearing down of enamel allows dentin, a yellow color substance that makes the core of our teeth, to show through. This is what gives our teeth a yellowish tint. Teeth whitening...
Occlusal Adjustments
Occlusion refers to the relationship between the upper and lower teeth and how they come together. When the teeth bite in an ideal position, this lessens the stress on the periodontium, or the supporting structures around the teeth or the TMJ...
Night Guard Fabrication
If you’ve ever awakened with pain in your TMJ or sore jaw muscles, or noticed that your teeth seem flatter than they were years ago, you may be grinding your teeth. It is necessary that the dentist diagnose the problem so that you can get...
Periodontal Procedures (Surgical)
Esthetic Crown Lengthening
Many times your smile is the first thing people notice about you.  If your teeth appear small when smiling, it can look unattractive.  This is known as a "gummy" smile.  An uneven gum line can also be distracting.  In many...
Pocket Elimination Procedures
Your bone and gum tissue should fit snugly around your teeth like a turtleneck around your neck. When you have periodontal disease, this supporting tissue and bone is destroyed, forming "pockets" around the teeth.   Over time,...
Esthetic Ridge Augmentation
Sometimes after an extraction, there .will be a sunken spot or concave appearance in your gum line.  This looks unsightly and can jeopardize the appearance of a bridge that goes over the area.  Grafting material can be inserted under the...
Correction of Gum Recession
Exposed tooth roots are the result of gum recession. Correction of gum recession will enhance your smile by covering the roots that make your teeth appear too long.  Often these exposed roots are too sensitive to hot or cold foods, liquids,...
Bone Regeneration & Grafting
Eliminating existing bacteria and regenerating bone and tissue helps to reduce pocket depth and repair damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease. With a combination of daily oral hygiene and professional maintenance care,...
Soft Tissue Grafting
Periodontal procedures are available to stop further dental problems and gum recession, and/or to improve the esthetics of your gum line.  A soft tissue graft can reduce further recession and bone loss. In some cases, it can cover exposed...
Implant Procedures
Single Tooth Implant Replacement
If you are missing a single tooth, one implant and a crown can replace it. A dental implant replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root.   What are the advantages of a single-tooth implant over a bridge? A dental implant...
Implant Bridges
Replacing Several Teeth If you are missing several teeth, implant-supported bridges can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.   What are the advantages of implant-supported...
Implant Supported Dentures
Replacing All of Your Teeth If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.   What are the...
Appointment request
Need an appointment with a dentist in Dallas ? Requesting an appointment at our Dallas, TX family and cosmetic dental office is now easier than ever. Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find a time that fits your schedule. Start your journey towards a beautiful smile with us today!
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